Job searching is a full-time job, I had to go to the office today to take a break! First, I search for a job, look for which resume to send (product management or marketing), craft memorable sometimes witty cover letter. Then repeat process. Initially, I was keeping a spreadsheet of who I contacted, the date, the email address of the recruiter or hiring manager, salary range, and any other notes. This didn’t last long because after writing several cover letters, I was exhausted and forgot about my spreadsheet.
Plus follow up and follow through with friends and colleagues who have mentioned an opportunity to me. Here are my pros/cons and action list of what to do after finding out you are part of the workforce optimization (layoff) program.
- Free to explore the next big thing
- Time to think about what I want to learn
- Freedom to check out other companies
- Time to chill out and have the government pay for my vac…maybe not this one, the gov isn’t paying enough
- Liked the team I was on and the people I worked with a lot – this is probably a pro if I wasn’t leaving
- Liked the job content and the frenetic pace
- Not having income
- Find and update resume
- Schedule meetings with hiring managers within HP
- Schedule live editing review of my resume with colleagues (great idea Brian!)
- Sign up for Women 2.0’s Startup Weekend in San Francisco
- Search Plaxo, Linkedin, and cool companies for opportunities which sound fun and exciting
- Edit online presence
- Add content to Linkedin:
- Create Twitter account: to tweet during Startup Weekend
- Create Youtube account to create video blogs about job hunt, life, love, and other adventures
- Brainstorm and visualize the ideal solution